Today is the release date of my latest record, called Seaward on the Waves, a push forward in order to explore new realms for creativity after the ashes of a malfunctioning past have been s...
marzo 7, 2024
A waterfall of new releases
Along 2024 and 2025 I will be releasing several new records I've been crafting during the past couple years. This waterfall will consist of 8 new solo albums and 4 collaboration records.
octubre 9, 2023
Collaboration with Niño de Elche for the exhibition 'POPULAR'
October 6th saw the opening of the exhibition 'POPULAR', for which a very special soundtrack was created by the ubiquitous and hyper-experimental "cantaor ex-flamenco" Niño de Elche together...
octubre 3, 2023
The guru Tony Ruiz on мать может я
The almighty Facebook music guru and palladium of marvelous sonic recommendations Tony Ruiz has dedicated some beautiful words to Мать Может Я on occasion of its cassette release via Holy Ho...
octubre 2, 2023
мать может я on cassette
First released on digital in April, 2022, Мать Может Я is now available in physical form. A limited cassette edition (50 copies) for which Holy Hoof Records and Philate...
julio 15, 2023
Last week I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the quintessential guitar music podcast Six Strings Of Tension, hosted by the fantastic Duncan Park form Durban, South Africa. The conver...